
Benjamin ISD envision an organization that is a catalyst for collaboration with community, excellence in everything, and unlocked student potential.


Benjamin ISD, works with parents and community, to provide each and every student with a quality education that stimulates personal, social, and academical growth for the future betterment and success in our students and communities future.

Developing classroom cooperation and a strong work ethic.

Core Values


At all levels respect for others ideas, opinions and authority is of the utmost importance. Disrespectful behavior is not tolerated


Every student is responsible his/her own actions whether they may be good or bad. Taking responsible for individual actions can be hard, which makes it all the more important that personal responsibility be regularly enforced.


Honesty may be and an obviously good thing, but its amazing how hard it is to achieve 100% honesty. By telling the truth students gain: respect among other students and teachers, peace of mind and a personal feeling of fulfillment, and finely self-respect and self-confidence.


The most obvious benefit of kindness is that you make others feel good. And in making others feel good, you inspire them to want to do something kind for you or for someone else. When you commit a kind act, those around you will take note and your kindness can have a ripple effect.

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